
Apostle Paul: The Early Years Part II

Apostle Paul: The Early Years Part II

Order of Worship

May 14, 2023

Welcome and Call to Worship


  • Song “Drenched”

  • Song “Overcome”

  • Song “Love Knows No End”



Greeting and Announcements


Sermon – Pastor, Mike Halstead

The Apostle Pau, Part II

I. Resulting Convictions of Paul’s Conversion
A. All his zeal and convictions were under God’s rebuke
B. Jesus, whom he was persecuting, was ALIVE I Cor. 15:3-8
C. He himself, had been appointed an Apostle to the Gentiles
– Neither Jew nor Gentile more important Romans 12:3
– Neither left behind Romans 11:11-21
II. Slow Learners to the Faith Galatians 5:7-10
– Council at Jerusalem Acts 15:5-11
III. Beginning of the End
– Ephesus after his departure Acts 20:25-29 and 36
– Continued death threats from Jews and Gentiles II Corinthians 11:24-29,and 12:9-10
IV. A Leader, Even in Chains
– In the storm Acts 27:21-26
– The shipwreck Acts 27:29-32
– Paul’s prophecy of survival Acts 27:33-37
– Washed ashore on Malta Acts 28:1-6
– House arrest in Rome Acts 28:30
– Calloused hearts, closed eyes & ears!
– When I am weak . . .
– Finishing well
  • Song “Less Like Me”


Next Steps

  • Do you need prayer? Make a request, and our staff and Pastors will pray for you.