I Am He: “Lord and Savior”

I Am He: “Lord and Savior”

In our eighth and final week of studying the “I am” statements of Jesus in the book of John, we are adding a “bonus” statement to the traditional seven. Typically, the passage in John 18 in which Jesus says “I am He,” is not included in what is studied. However, we felt it was a...

To Bear Fruit

To Bear Fruit

My wife and I have a cherry tree in our backyard. It’s a nice enough tree, as trees go. It’s not too big, its roots aren’t intrusive, and it looks nice and creepy in the fall, as trees should. And yet, although the tree has several good things going for it, there is one flaw...

I AM the Resurrection and the Life

I AM the Resurrection and the Life

What is life, and where did it come from? When we die what happens to our life? Answers to these questions have not been obtained using the disciplines of science. Usually scientists can conceive of some idea or theory or method to unlock secrets of our existence but the mystery of life is so profound...

The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd

We don’t have any sheep now, but we do have a couple of cows. When we are out in the field we learn about them and their nuances. The cows will usually come when we call, especially if we are holding a feed bucket. They understand what fences are and are even willing to get...

The Security of the Door

The Security of the Door

I think it’s the weather and the return of green grass, but for some reason, at this time of the year I always start getting two very specific idyllic daydreams. One is of having a breakfast or two with a Hobbit in a Hobbit-hole (I have no teaching point from this one, but doesn’t that...